Most types of lawn grasses will become dormant in winter. We all know that the temperate drops considerably in winter and the days are much shorter when compared with the other months. Not only are the days shorter, but also the height of the sun in the sky is much lower. This results in several limiting factors that lawn requires to grow. Lawn, like other plants, require light for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process within the lawn that converts light, oxygen and water into carbohydrates (energy). Lawn needs this energy to grow. Additionally the ground temperatures drop significantly which further stuns the growth of lawns. Read below for all your winter lawn care tips.
Do I need to mow my lawn in Winter?
The good news is that you don’t need to mow your lawn anywhere near as much as in summer. In some cases, such as lawn that is heavily shaded in winter, may only need the very occasional lawn mow over winter.
That said, there are advantages to mowing lawn in winter. It keeps the lawn neat, especially around the edges such as garden borders and pavements. Also it helps prepare the lawn for spring when you do not want your first mow to scalp the lawn.
Another factor with lawns in Melbourne is that often they are made up of a variety of lawn types, including lawn weeds. These types of lawns will become unsightly and will benefit from regular lawn mowing, albeit at a reduced frequency than in summer.
Tips for mowing your lawn in Winter
The most important tip for winter lawn mowing is not to mow the lawn too short. Adjust the mower cutting height to a little above your summer setting. This is actually similar to the other seasons, however a little more important. The reason is that scalping the lawn during this time can do much more damage as the lawn does not have the energy to recover.
Winter lawn care tips
Given the cooler temperatures and generally abundant water from rain, it is generally not necessary to water your lawn over winter. Often the soil is already damp and further watering can cause rot.
Lawn can become compacted in winter, given the combination of pooling of water and foot or other traffic. If at all possible, try to avoid traffic over the lawn. Aerating is an option to assist as it will allow drainage and air flow to the roots. Aeration is also good to do in later winter in preparation for Spring.
Winter lawn turning yellow
It is expected that warm season lawn will discolour and turn yellowish over winter. This is particularly noticeable during late winter when frosts occur. Just remember, this is part of the cycle and soon enough with proper lawn care, your lawn will be bounce back in Spring.
Do I need to fertilise my lawn in winter?
No, you do not need to fertilise your lawn in winter. Fertiliser will help your lawn grow when the conditions are right. Therefore it is best to fertilise in mid spring once your lawn has transitioned into a growing phase.
Winter lawn weeds
Common winter weeds in Melbourne include winter grass, nutgrass, oxalis, broadleaf, thistle, dandelion, chickweed, white clover and catsears, just to name a few!
Winter is often a time when weeds begin to appear, as your lawn won’t be as tight as during the warmer months to restrict weeds sprouting though. A healthy lawn requires these weeds to be removed by hand to sprayed before they seed. Otherwise the issue will re-occur the following year..
Argus Mowing can help with your winter lawn care
For more information, or your assistance in maintaining your winter lawn, please contact Argus Mowing. We provide all year round lawn care and lawn mowing in the Cheltenham, Bayside and Kingston areas. We are your true local lawn care professionals near you!